Product Rule

What is Product Rule

  • Background
    • The Product Rule, also known as the Multiplication Rule or Chain Rule of Probability, is a fundamental concept in probability theory and statistics (Blitzstein & Hwang, 2019).
    • It provides a method for calculating the probability of multiple events occurring together (Wasserman, 2004).
  • Definition:
    • The Product Rule states that the probability of two events A and B occurring together is equal to the probability of A multiplied by the conditional probability of B given A has occurred (Ross, 2010).
    • Mathematically, it is expressed as: P(A ∩ B) = P(A) * P(B|A) (Blitzstein & Hwang, 2019).
    • For independent events, this simplifies to: P(A ∩ B) = P(A) * P(B) (Wasserman, 2004).
  • Practical uses:
    • The Product Rule is essential in calculating joint probabilities in various fields, including finance, epidemiology, and engineering (Ross, 2010).
    • It’s a key component in Bayesian inference and decision theory (Gelman et al., 2013).
  • Common Misconceptions
    • The Product Rule is often confused with the addition rule for probability. While the Product Rule deals with the intersection of events, the addition rule concerns the union of events (Blitzstein & Hwang, 2019).
    • Some mistakenly apply the Product Rule to dependent events as if they were independent, leading to incorrect probability calculations (Ross, 2010).


Calculating Joint Probability 1

  • Given: P(A) = 0.6, P(B|A) = 0.3
  • Using the Product Rule: P(A ∩ B) = P(A) * P(B|A) = 0.6 * 0.3 = 0.18
  • This means the probability of both A and B occurring is 18% (Blitzstein & Hwang, 2019).

Calculating Joint Probability 2

주어진 정보는 다음과 같습니다:

  • : “윌리엄이 도둑일 때(), 윌리엄의 점퍼에 잼이 묻어 있을 확률”이 50%입니다.
  • : “윌리엄이 도둑일 확률”이 1/200입니다.

여기서 구하고자 하는 것은 입니다. 즉, 윌리엄이 도둑이고 동시에 잼이 그의 점퍼에 묻어 있을 확률을 계산하는 것입니다. 이때, 곱셈 법칙(Product Rule of Probability) 을 사용하여 다음과 같은 식을 구성할 수 있습니다:

이 식에서:

  • 는 “윌리엄이 도둑일 때 잼이 묻어 있을 확률” (조건부 확률)입니다.
  • 는 “윌리엄이 도둑일 확률”입니다.


주어진 값들을 대입하여 를 계산해보면:

따라서, 윌리엄이 도둑이면서 동시에 그의 점퍼에 잼이 묻어 있을 확률1/400입니다.


이 확률은 다음과 같은 의미를 가집니다:

  • 윌리엄이 도둑일 확률이 1/200이었는데, 만약 그가 도둑이라면 잼이 그의 점퍼에 묻어 있을 확률이 50%이므로, 두 사건이 동시에 발생할 확률은 그 둘의 곱인 1/400이 됩니다.

곱셈 법칙은 두 사건이 독립적이지 않을 때, 즉 한 사건이 다른 사건에 영향을 줄 때 사용되며, 조건부 확률과 개별 확률을 결합하여 이와 같은 결합 확률을 계산할 수 있습니다.

Chain Rule Application

  • For events A, B, and C: P(A ∩ B ∩ C) = P(A) * P(B|A) * P(C|A ∩ B)
  • This extension of the Product Rule allows for the calculation of joint probabilities for multiple events (Ross, 2010).

Literature Review

Blitzstein & Hwang, 2019

  • Introduction to Probability, Second Edition
  • Key points:
    • Provides a comprehensive explanation of the Product Rule and its applications in probability theory.
    • Discusses the relationship between the Product Rule and conditional probability.
    • Offers numerous examples and exercises to reinforce understanding of the concept.

Ross, 2010

  • A First Course in Probability (8th Edition)
  • Key points:
    • Presents the Product Rule in the context of fundamental probability concepts.
    • Explores the rule’s application in various probability problems and real-world scenarios.
    • Discusses the distinction between dependent and independent events in relation to the Product Rule.
  • Conditional ProbabilityConditionalProbability
    • The probability of an event occurring given that another event has already occurred, which is a key component of the Product Rule.
  • Independence (Probability Theory)ProbabilityIndependence
    • When events are independent, the Product Rule simplifies as the conditional probability equals the unconditional probability.
  • Bayes’ TheoremBayesTheorem
    • An important application of the Product Rule that allows for the updating of probabilities based on new evidence.
  • Chain Rule (Probability)ChainRule
    • An extension of the Product Rule to multiple events, used in complex probability calculations.