비용 함수(Cost function) 는 목적 함수(objective function) 의 한 종류입니다.
비용 함수는 모델의 오차를 최소화하기 위한 함수이며, 목적 함수로 사용됩니다.
What is Objective Function
An objective function in Machine Learning is a mathematical function that quantifies the performance of a model, which the learning algorithm aims to optimize (minimize or maximize) during the training process (Kronosapiens Labs, 2017).
It provides a formal specification of the problem and guides the model towards optimal parameters (MathWorks, n.d.).
Mean Squared Error (MSE) for Regressionon problems: Measures the average squared difference between predicted and actual values.
Cross-Entropy Loss for Classification problems: Quantifies the difference between predicted probability distributions and actual class labels.
Hinge Loss for Support Vector Machines: Measures the margin violation in classification tasks.